How Much Is A Dumpster Rental in Shreveport, LA?

What are the factors that affect dumpster rental prices?

When you are looking at dumpster rental prices in Shreveport LA, you need to consider all the factors that go into pricing from various of dumpster suppliers. Knowing these factors will ensure you receive a valuable and affordable dumpster rental service. These factors include:

  • The cost of waste disposal at the local Shreveport landfill(s)
  • The intent of your home project (new roof installation, garage cleanout, kitchen remodel) and what dumpster size you'll need
  • The debris you'll be throwing into the dumpster (roofing shingles, yard waste, construction debris)
  • How long you'll need the bin for --- you'll obviously pay more for additional days past the 7 day rental period
  • Where in the Shreveport area you live

What other value can a dumpster rental supplier provide homeowners in Shreveport beyond the prices of the rental? At Bin There Dump That, we add value to our service by: 

  • Dumpsters with walk-in double doors for fast, convenient loading and access. No throwing your heavy items, like furniture over the side walls of the container --- nearly an impossibility with the 20 yard dumpster
  • Dumpster Consultants that will help homeowners customize the rental to their needs
  • Driveway Protection System that includes placing customized boards down on the property to make sure the dumpster never touches your driveway
  • Dumpster Delivery Experts who will sweep up any lingering debris around the container before picking it up to transport it to the local landfill. 

If you're ready to rent a dumpster with Bin There Dump That Sherveport, please contact our Dumpster Consultants at 318-861-2467

Please note, prices may vary and are based off a 7-day rental

20 Cubic Yard Dumpster

20 Cubic Yard Dumpster
11' long, 8' wide, 6' high
What's included:
  • Delivery and pick up
  • 100% proven driveway protection guarantee
  • We sweep up under the dumpster when the job is done
  • Walk-in double doors
Base price Reserve Now

15 Cubic Yard Dumpster

15 Cubic Yard Dumpster
11' long, 8' wide, 4.5' high
What's included:
  • Delivery and pick up
  • 100% proven driveway protection guarantee
  • We sweep up under the dumpster when the job is done
  • Walk-in double doors
Base price Reserve Now

10 Cubic Yard Dumpster

10 Cubic Yard Dumpster
10' long, 7' wide, 4' high
What's included:
  • Delivery and pick up
  • 100% proven driveway protection guarantee
  • We sweep up under the dumpster when the job is done
  • Walk-in double doors
Base price Reserve Now

6 Cubic Yard Dumpster

6 Cubic Yard Dumpster
10' long, 5.5' wide, 3' high
What's included:
  • Delivery and pick up
  • 100% proven driveway protection guarantee
  • We sweep up under the dumpster when the job is done
  • Walk-in double doors
Base price Reserve Now